Writing and Spelling

"Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world." - Malala Yousafzai


At Lakeside, writing is regarded as a fundamental skill, essential for both academic success and personal expression. Through writing, our children learn to organise their thoughts coherently, communicate ideas effectively, and express themselves creatively. It is a key tool for demonstrating understanding across all subjects. Moreover, writing at Lakeside promotes literacy development by reinforcing spelling, grammar, and vocabulary skills, which are taught as a part of our daily writing lessons. Here at Lakeside, we believe it is crucial that teaching writing is approached in a fun and accessible manner, catering to the diverse needs and learning styles of all our learners. Our aim is to provide engaging writing hooks that are linked to each termly topic to give children a clear audience and purpose for writing. We have seen that when writing lessons are engaging and enjoyable, children are more motivated to participate actively, leading to greater learning outcomes and a lifelong appreciation for the written word. Thus, ensuring that all our pupils have the opportunity to develop strong writing skills, which is paramount for their academic and personal growth.

Children receive a one hour Literacy lesson daily and are exposed to age-related expectations for writing within a range of texts. Where possible, writing and reading are linked. We ensure that children are reading daily in order to build their knowledge of different genres of writing and develop their vocabulary. All classes follow The Harmony Model Curriculum overview and refer to the EEF structure guidance to plan writing units which encourage plenty of Oracy- this includes discussions, questioning and debating.  

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