Nursery (EYFS)

Welcome to Nursery at Lakeside

This half term in Nursery our topic is:

The Farm

This half term Nursery are going to be exploring three core books: A squash and a Squeeze, On the farm and Farmyard Hullabaloo. The children are going to be using their gross motor skills to learn how to move like different farm animals, they will be learning lots of new animal names and what the animals look like. They will be exploring different colours and materials and learning how to create their own animal pictures.The children will be working hard on their mark making by beginning to form some letters and write their names. Furthermore, they will be exploring different phonemes and letters in phonics and have a go at using sensory trays to explore these, they will be exploring stories through small world areas and using props and instruments to support them with retelling. 
In our independent learning time, we will be exploring all of our 17 areas. We will have the opportunity to make large movements with ribbons to support our physical development, there will be large paper for the children to mark make with pencils, pens and paint and we will be learning new rhymes to support us with our maths. We will have the opportunity to go outside daily and use our maths knowledge in the sand and water. We will be developing our wider world vocabulary in the small world and loose parts areas when we are exploring minibeasts, animals and buildings. 

In our nursery we have children who are 3 year olds and 4 year olds. We offer 15 and 30 hour contracts for children - please contact the school office for more information on this offer.

Helpful websites and links to support your nursery child: 

Hungry little minds website - With links to activities and ideas to support nursery aged children. 

Numberblocks season 1 - To support counting skills and number recognition to 5. 

BBC tiny happy people - To support children's communication skills.

Phonics play - phase 1 games - To help to develop early listening and sound discrimination skills. 

Words for life - To support early literacy development

ERIC toilet training advice - To support you when toilet training your child. 


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