Physical Education (PE)


INTENT:      The vision for PE

At Lakeside, we want to create a life long love and commitment to physical activity and being healthy.  We aim to develop the skills needed to participate in a variety of different sporting activities, including instilling good sportsmanship.  Through the development of skills and applying these we aim to improve resilience and perseverance, if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.  Providing children with the skills and opportunities to be leaders, will equip them for other leadership roles in life. Children will be able to identify when they have achieved and when they need to continue to develop a skill and use this a positive for self development..   The explicit teaching of different sports will facilitate the children’s experience of competition and sport as a whole, leading to future interests and understanding of these.  The children will have more awareness of their bodies and how sport can have an impact on this.  They will understand what a balanced diet is and the importance of this and exercise for a healthy lifestyle.  An understanding of the mental and physical benefits of PE and sport will be developed.  Teamwork will be developed and children will enjoy communicating, working together and competing with each other. 

Curriculum Design, Coverage & Progression

The PE overview is mapped to ensure that all Year Groups have a broad curriculum and there is the opportunity to experience a wide range of different sports.  In KS2, each year group has teaches, gymnastics, striking and fielding games, invasion games OAA and athletics. These will enable them to use running, jumping, throwing and catching skills in isolation and also in a game situation.  They will develop strength and flexibility, control and balance tactical awareness and sequencing of movements. In year 3 and 5 children also have swimming instruction at the local swimming pool.  The Swim England Learn to Swim Programme is used which is structured and its progressive content is based on a games-led approach to ensure children enjoy learning.

The use of Real PE will ensure the fundamental (ABC) development of the children from Reception to Year 6.  This is a progressive curriculum, which provides  structured lessons for many of the PE National Curriculum objectives.  This curriculum will provide the foundation for the children as they progress onto specific sports.  The skills needed for these will have been gained from the participation of the children in Real PE. 


The PE section of the year groups ‘What we are learning about’, outlines the knowledge and skills that will be the focus of the each sport and lesson. 

Year groups share the ‘Big Picture’ at the start of a sport unit to outline to the children the knowledge and skills that will be achieved by the end of the unit.  The ‘Big Picture’ is shared again at the start of each lesson in the sequence, to reinforce the previous lesson’s learning and assess children’s understanding of its importance within the game. At the end of the topic, a full game will be played to enable the children to apply the skills that have been learnt throughout.  Scaffolds are a common feature to support children’s learning within lessons and these will also be used to enable all children to participate fully in the sports.

The PE lead will carry out a pupil voice for pupils to share their learning and share about their PE knowledge.  Staff voice is used to identify effective resources, subject knowledge, support CPD needed and what is working well.

PE is celebrated through displays in the halls, sports teams, certificates and intra and inter school sports.

Real PE will be taught (alongside other sports in KS2) to ensure that the children have the fundamental skills needed to participate in a variety of other sports.  Teachers will teach at least one Real PE lesson per week to build up the agility, balance and coordination of the children.  Online resources are available to be utilised to ensure that the children have a greater understanding of the skill that they are covering and see good examples of this being performed.   There is clear progression of skills from year to year using the Real PE curriculum.  

For the Synopsis of PE at Lakeside and the PE Curriculum Coverage document, see below:

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