Multilingualism at LPA

Please come and teach us about your language and culture!

We feel very privileged and proud of the rich linguistic and cultural heritage in our school community. We consider it to be an opportunity for all our children to benefit from diverse perspectives on the world. By celebrating similarities and differences across all languages and cultures and encouraging our children and their families to nurture and value their own heritage as well as those of others, we aim to build a truly global community.

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We love to learn about the world from each other!

Children teaching children. Each half term we ask children who are speakers of another language to teach two children from each class some of their language, at a weekly club. The two children then go back to teach their class members what they have learned. At the end they play a game of bingo in the target language and the winners get to choose the next language to be studied!

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Learning Languages is fun!   

We want children to feel proud of their language and culture!


Our children and parents have helped us to make signs for our school that are just right for the languages in our community.


We support children learning English to make excellent progress.


In class, children are encouraged to share their linguistic knowledge with their peers and to feel proud and confident about their culture. We use Widgit software to illustrate teaching to ensure comprehensible input for children learning English and we scaffold speaking and writing to build accurate, ambitious academic language for children at all levels.

It is our firm belief that multilingualism is an advantage and that all children, including those new to English and with English as an Additional Language should be given an equal opportunity to learn, Believe, Achieve and Succeed.

Please continue to use your language with your children!


Please click on the websites below for children who are new to English.

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